Organisations have to go beyond ‘aligning business and IT’. They have to ‘fuse’ business and IT. Fusion will allow companies to focus on technology-enabled innovation, instead of just on the commodity-saving potential of technology. Fusion will allow a new type of IT organization, that will evolve from an ‘executional technology function’ towards a ‘proactive strategic innovation function’. Fusion will allow companies to focus on maximizing value from technology innovation.
"Beautifully written, thoroughly researched, spiced with stories and a unique combination of humor and intellect. Peter challenges his readers to do everything they can to fuse IT and the rest of the business."
Susan Cramm"Read this book if you are interested in repositioning ‘the department previously known as IT’."
Rob Goffee"Business/IT Fusion belongs on the bookshelf of every CIO as well as every leader who aspires to transform the IT department."
Costas Markides"Business/IT Fusion hits the nail right on the head. It is a great mental journey on how to move beyond mere alignment thinking, and really transform IT into a true business asset."
Steve Van Wyk